- 注册
- 10 13, 2023
- 消息
- 1,547
- G
- 1,783 G
- 主题 作者
- #1
- 增加了对 1.20.6(包括 Paper)的支持。
- 1.20.5 将不受支持,因为几天后同一版本被 1.20.6 取代。
- 重要提示:ProtocolLib 已被PacketEvents取代(因为它接收更多更新并且更易于使用),因此您必须将其添加到您的服务器。
- 现在幼年 NPC 村民的尺寸与幼年原版村民的尺寸相同(仅适用于 1.20.6 及以上版本)。当他们长大成人时,尺寸会与成年村民相同。
- Now villager-title-article and variable-text.profession can by edited per-***.
- Now all the anvil GUI used for player input will fallback to the previous menu when closed with the Esc key.
- The close item that appear in most of the GUIs has been changed to back, which will go to the previous menu instead of closing the GUI.
- Added the item property require-permission to the main GUI. When set to true, the player will be required to have the permission...