Global Market Plus [1.7 - 1.21] 交易和拍卖行/多功能且 99% 可定制

Minecraft/插件扩展 Global Market Plus [1.7 - 1.21] 交易和拍卖行/多功能且 99% 可定制

没有购买权限 (300 G)


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• 我们尊重我们的用户,也希望您能进行愉快的交谈.

  • 提示:如果您的账户超过180天处于非活动状态,系统将自动删除您的账户!

  • GlobalMrketPlus is a multi-functional virtual store plugin, with Global Market as its main function.
  • It can be used to trade items of various transaction types, and trade merchandises with other players in the server anytime and anywhere through commands and GUI.
  • It is a highly customizable plugin. Almost all functions have corresponding commands.
  • Management system and security system, data processing system, detailed configuration file annotations and wiki, ensure the operation of the plugin.
  • Runtime environment for Java8 or above.
  • Vault (Optional)
  • PlaceholderAPI (Optional)
  • PlayerPoints (optional)
  • XConomy (Recommend)
    Spoiler: Preparation of this economy plugin
Main Features:
  • GlobalMarket
    • Upload your items on the global market (sell, buy)
    • Item auction on the global market (bid/auction)
    • Merchandises tax rate (different permission groups have different tax rates)
    • Sell/Buy inventory (put items into GUI to upload multiple items at once)
    • Retail transaction (if the items are stacked, you can trade a single item at a custom price)
    • Support uploading merchandises using different currency units
    • Support merchandises attribute editor (Such as unlimited transactions, never expires, hide merchant's name, etc)
    • Support search merchandises (Specify the merchant, price, item, etc)
    • Support merchandises reprice (need to pay tax again)
    • Category modules (Category by item parameters)
    • Item blacklist (Prohibit specific items)
    • Shulker boxes view (Merchandise)
    • Support price limit (Item prices must be within a certain range to allow uploading)
    • Support merchandises/mails sort (according to upload time, according to expire time, etc)
  • Profiles & Stores
    • Player personal store GUI (personal merchandises will be displayed here)
    • Support different permission groups (different tax rate, different price limits, etc)
    • Support profile settings (personal information such as store name, profile, etc)
    • Personal balance management (payment, balance transfer, etc)
    • Global store list GUI (similar to Amazon, etc)
    • Store style settings (Each store can have different GUI styles)
  • Player Mailbox
    • Send items in hand to other player's mailbox
    • Status display (email source, expiration time, etc)
    • Purchased merchandises or acquired items will be sent to the mailbox.
Other Features:
  • Function module switch (optionally disable some unwanted functions)
  • Built-in economic system (works independently without installing an economy plugin)
  • Support different economic system plugins (like Vault, PlayerPoints, etc)
  • Supports the coexistence of multiple currency systems (upload items to the market in different currency system)
  • Support PlaceholderAPI
  • Built-in custom menu system (in addition to the GUI that comes with some functions, you can create other GUIs)
  • Recorder System (record the merchandises, transactions, mail exchanges, transfer records, etc)
  • Support SQLite & MySQL storage
  • Support multi-database storage mode (different databases store different types of data)
  • Support split storage (MySQL and SQLite coexist)
  • Database management commands (backup, rollback, download, upload, etc)
  • Support for migrating data from other plugins
  • Admin commands (view logger records, manage serialized items or item blacklists, etc)
  • The text of all prompt messages is fully customizable (Include JSON messages)
  • Great command processing system (Almost all major functions have corresponding commands)
  • Controlled asynchronous threads (Adjust the processing speed of asynchronous threads, enable global asynchrony, etc)
  • Configuration file auto repair
  • Folia support
  • and more...

Permissions for all commands can be edited in the configuration file
You can edit command aliases in Alias.yml, for example "/gmp market" -> "/market" or "/[Custom Command]"

  • /gmp help | View plugin help
  • /gmp market | Global Market commands.
  • /gmp auction | Auction commands.
  • /gmp money | Money management commands.
  • /gmp merchandise | Merchandises management commands.
  • /gmp transaction | Transaction commands.
  • /gmp profile | Merchant profile commands.
  • /gmp mailbox | Mailbox commands.
  • /gmp category | Category commands.
  • /gmp gui | GUI management commands.
  • /gmp reload | Reload plugin or specific functions.
  • /gmp admin | Administrator & Operator commands.
Minecraft/插件扩展  TChat  4.1.5
300 G


0.00 星 0 星



  2.更新日志: [优化]重新添加部分API,并去除对应类的混淆,请参考:wiki [已修复]修复了一些小错误。