Lootin [1.16 - 1.21.1] - no more already looted chests

Minecraft/插件扩展 Lootin [1.16 - 1.21.1] - no more already looted chests 10.4

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Supported Versions: 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.5, 1.20.6, 1.21.1

A simple plugin inspired from Lootr (Forge) mod, which provides unique inventories for every loot chest for every player on a server. basically whenever a player opens a loot chest, what the player see as loot is unique to them, in this way players have no need to explore too much and load like million chunks,players can now find loot closer to their homes.
in case anyone tries to break these loot chest they should sneak and break it only if necessary
How it works
whenever loot is generated weather by player opening chest, or breaking it, loot chest contents are stored in chest with player's uuid as a key,next time if player opens the same chest, player sees his lastly edited contents in chest. as the data is stored with player's uuid as key this plugin may not be good for offline servers(not bungeecord) as players can create as many alts they wish by just changing there names

  • Loot unique to player
    players can have the luxury of being in single player world as no one except them can touch there loot

    by default loot content for a particular chest is same for every player, this can by changed by enabling the option reset-seed-on-fill in config
  • Disable any vanilla loot table
    with blacklist-structures option you can disable any structure loot chests from being changed as lootin chests
    list of all vanilla loottables can be found here
  • Prevent loot chest from breaking or getting destroyed
    in case any player tries to break these special lootin chests & minecarts,they will not able to do so without lootin.breakchest.bypass permission
    lootin chests will not get blown in tnt/creeper explosion(unless disabled in config.yml)
  • WorldGuard support
    after 8.2, a new worldguard flag, lootin-container-access, is added to lootin, to restrict access to lootin chests in certain worldguard regions (set to true by default, can be changed in config)
  • Terra Structures support
    after 0.6,lootin also supports Terra generated structures.
    for this feature to function you need LootinTerraAddon placed plugins/Terra/addons folder. any terra structure can be blacklisted just by adding the structure name in blacklist-terra-structures option in config.yml
  • Custom Structures support
    after 1.0 lootin also supports CustomStructures plugin. Any structure can be blacklisted by adding its name in blacklist-custom-structures option in config.yml
  • Oh The Dungeon Support
    after 1.3 lootin also supports OhTheDungeonsYou'llGo plugin. Any structure can be blacklisted by adding its name in blacklist-otd-structures option in config.yml
  • TerraFormGenerator Support
    terraform loot containers work with lootin
  • BetterStructures support
    after 5.2 lootin supports BetterStructures
    However, structures generated before 5.2 will not work
  • PlaceHolderAPI support
    inventory titles and messages support placeholderapi
  • Per Player Elytra
    • the elytra found in end city ships in the item frame will be per player
    • If ProtocolLib is installed the elytra will visually disappear for players who have already looted it
    • these item frames are special and cant be broken, players with lootin.breakelytraitemframe.bypass permission and a stick in main hand can only break them
  • Realistic World Generator Structure Support
    after v2.9, rwg loot chests should be handled by lootin using
    /lootin rwg loottable command
    chests/barrels/minecart and elytra itemframe placeholders obtained from this command have specified loottable attached to them and should be used while making schematic for your rwg structures
    Check out a [Video Tutorial]
Commands & Permissions
/lootin reload: reloads the config.yml
permission: lootin.command.reload
/lootin rwg loottable
command to give placeable loot containers while making your rwg schematic (requires rwg)
permission: lootin.command.rwg.loottable
/lootin rwg elytra
command to give a placeholder elytra item frame item while making your rwg schematics (requires rwg)
permission: lootin.command.rwg.loottable
on executing the command while looking at chest/barrel/minecart will turn that container into lootin container and all its contents will be per player
permission: lootin.command.set

permission: lootin.breakelytraitemframe.bypass
only players with this permission can break elytra equiped item frames present in end citiy shipes while holding stick in main hand

permission: lootin.breakchest.bypass
players without this permission cant break loot chest even while sneaking and they will be displayed with configurable permission deny message blockbreak-without-permission-message
Minecraft/插件扩展  LocaleLib  4.0.0
Minecraft/插件扩展  ChatterX  1.2.0


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