Cavalry 提交新资源: Craftable [1.19 - 1.21] - Craftable [1.19 - 1.21] Craftable is a plugin that adds recipes to the server for blocks and items that do not officially have a recipe or are only...
Cavalry 提交新资源: MythicMobs Premium Dev Builds Dev Builds - MythicMobs Premium Dev Builds Dev Builds Mythic 允许服务器管理员完全修改服务器上怪物的所有属性,甚至可以创建自己的怪物、boss 和其他许多有趣的与怪物相关的东西。 总而言之,Mythic 让您可以控制和访问:...
Cavalry 提交新资源: Spawners - Spawners Native: 1.21.1 Java: 1.21 This plugin allows to obtain spawners and budding amethyst Installation Download the latest version Upload the plugin to the folder...
鉴于很多用户反馈,限制下载是一项令人讨厌的政策。即日起将启用积分下载系统。不再限制每日下载次数。某些文件需要积分才能下载! 积分获得途径政策如下: 新注册用户 每日登录随机获得 出售自己的文件 上传头像获得积分 讨论板块发布新主题 回复帖子获得 快速获得积分通道 Given the feedback from many users, restricting downloads is a...